Discover the Market-Leading Evaluation Platform for Boards and Executive Teams

  • Sophisticated and efficient evaluations
  • Unparalleled wealth of benchmark data
  • Analysis powered by real-world experience
  • Secure Corporate Governance
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Board Evaluation Software that produces Actionable Insights

Our data-driven, cost- and time efficient platform to track top-level alignment and effectiveness.

Leverage data
Making decision-making an informed process. Improve your leadership performance
Identify what skills you are missing and turn these into action points. BoardClic converts feedback into insights
Get everyone aligned
Clarify strategic objectives and establish transparent communication. Discover how far you can go as your board gets aligned
Powerful actions
List your priorities and set the board agendaDiscover trends early to seize opportunities for growth

BoardClic’s benchmarks are a clear advantage...

... that tell me what average looks like and what it takes to excel in a given category. Evaluation results, augmented by our own trends over time, form an excellent basis for constructive discussions.”

Jan Wäreby Chairman, Research Institutes of Sweden


Unrivalled market intelligence

BoardClic offers a data-driven platform for boards and management teams to ensure alignment and increase effectiveness.

By combining 40 years of board advisory experience and smart technology, we help our customers raise the bar for sound corporate governance and corporate directors.

See Board Evaluation Software In Action

Find out how Boardclic can help you: 

  • Improve your questionnaires with pre-made templates
  • Identify the type of training your board members need
  • Benchmark your company against peers
  • Turn board evaluation insights into actions
  • Understand your performance trends over time
  • Create intuitive reports to share with your board
  • And more

Book a BoardClic demo